Table 2

Pearson’s product-moment correlations between bias scores in the masked affective priming task and amygdala response (left and right) to corresponding facial emotions (n = 28)*

EmotionZero-order correlationsPartial correlations (controlling for STAI)Partial correlations (controlling for detection task performance)
Negative sum score−0.50−0.59§−0.50−0.59§−0.50−0.57
  • STAI = State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.

  • * Amygdala activity is calculated in relation to the neutral face condition.

  • Negative values of bias scores indicate negative judgmental bias; positive values of bias scores indicate positive judgmental bias.

  • p < 0.05.

  • p < 0.01.

  • § p < 0.001 (2-tailed).